Use .filter() Instead of an Inner Loop in My JS Average Temperature Code

My JavaScript functional programming/average temperature tutorial looped through an array of arrays to calculate data and display content. In order to do all this, I used an inner loop with .map()
on those inner arrays.
I wasn’t really worried about using an inner loop, but knew the code would look cleaner without it. After publishing that post, I realized I could use .filter()
on the inner arrays instead of .map()
, which was neater.
The original complete code looked like this:
<div class="temperature-info__container">
<div id="temperatureHeader" class="temperature-info__header"></div>
<div id="temperatureInfo"></div>
The CSS…
.temperature-info__container {
width: 650px;
.temperature-info__header {
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
text-transform: uppercase;
.temperature-info__single-temp-row {
margin-bottom: 10px;
.temperature-info__single-temp {
width: 100px;
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 30px;
And, of course, the JavaScript…
const temperatureInfo = [
["City", "00-08", "08-16", "16-24", "Average"],
["Malmö", 12, 16, 9],
["Mariestad", 13, 15, 10],
["Stockholm", 13, 15, 13],
["Upphärad", 14, 16, 15],
["Göteborg", 13, 14, 11]
function formatData(outerArray) { => {
let numbersOnlyList = [] => {
if(typeof index === "number") {
return numbersOnlyList.push(index)
return numbersOnlyList.length
displayTemperatureInfo(numbersOnlyList, innerArray[0])
displayArrayContent(innerArray, "#temperatureHeader")
function reducerHelper(accumulator, currentValue) {
return accumulator + currentValue
function displayTemperatureInfo(temperatureArray, getCity) {
const arrayLength = temperatureArray.length
const getTemperatureSum = temperatureArray.reduce(reducerHelper)
const temperatureAverage = getTemperatureSum/arrayLength
return displayArrayContent(temperatureArray, "#temperatureInfo")
function displayArrayContent(arrayContent, target) {
const getTargetElement = document.querySelector(target)
const parentElement = document.createElement('div')
parentElement.setAttribute('class', 'temperature-info__single-temp-row') => {
const childElement = document.createElement('span');
childElement.setAttribute('class', 'temperature-info__single-temp')
childElement.innerHTML = index
return getTargetElement.appendChild(parentElement)
Feel free to look at the previous post to get a full walk-through of this code but right now, I’m only going to look at one specific part…
The inner loop is towards the top of the formatData()
function and starts with
. It’s needed to look at any array that has both a city name and numbers, then place the numbers only in an array called numbersOnlyList
This is what I wanted to refactor with .filter()
. To do that while sticking to the JavaScript functional programming paradigm, I first created a separate function defining what I wanted filtered…numbers in this case:
// Place this code below "const temperatureInfo"
function getNumbers(arrayItem) {
return typeof arrayItem === "number"
will be passed as a parameter to .filter()
. This can be applied to each inner array to return a “numbers only” array.
We can get rid of that inner loop now. So this code we’re currently using…
let numbersOnlyList = [] => {
if(typeof index === "number") {
return numbersOnlyList.push(index)
…is completely replaced it with this one line that performs the exact same operation.
let numbersOnlyList = innerArray.filter(getNumbers)
The complete, updated complete JavaScript code looks like this.
const temperatureInfo = [
["City", "00-08", "08-16", "16-24", "Average"],
["Malmö", 12, 16, 9],
["Mariestad", 13, 15, 10],
["Stockholm", 13, 15, 13],
["Upphärad", 14, 16, 15],
["Göteborg", 13, 14, 11]
function getNumbers(arrayItem) {
return typeof arrayItem === "number"
function formatData(outerArray) { => {
let numbersOnlyList = innerArray.filter(getNumbers)
return numbersOnlyList.length
displayTemperatureInfo(numbersOnlyList, innerArray[0])
displayArrayContent(innerArray, "#temperatureHeader")
function reducerHelper(accumulator, currentValue) {
return accumulator + currentValue
function displayTemperatureInfo(temperatureArray, getCity) {
const arrayLength = temperatureArray.length
const getTemperatureSum = temperatureArray.reduce(reducerHelper)
const temperatureAverage = getTemperatureSum/arrayLength
return displayArrayContent(temperatureArray, "#temperatureInfo")
function displayArrayContent(arrayContent, target) {
const getTargetElement = document.querySelector(target)
const parentElement = document.createElement('div')
parentElement.setAttribute('class', 'temperature-info__single-temp-row') => {
const childElement = document.createElement('span');
childElement.setAttribute('class', 'temperature-info__single-temp')
childElement.innerHTML = index
return getTargetElement.appendChild(parentElement)
Using inner loops isn’t the performance headache it was years ago as browser technology has gotten better. But refactoring the it out, like I did here, is pretty cool.