Im Going To Mix11/Las Vegas!

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On April 11th, Max from , two other developers from work and I will be attending be attending Microsoft’s annual MIX conference, dubbed MIX11.

Don’t hate the player: yes, it’s in Vegas and we’re staying at the gorgeous Mandalay Bay, but everyone I know that’s been to past MIX conferences say that from a programming standpoint, they learned at least one new thing that helped them in their career. Whether via the daily coding events or the Q&A sessions with industry experts, they all left knowing more than they did when the arrived.

Best of all, we’re flying out a day early for their one-day rapid-fire coding workshops, or bootcamps. There are two bootcamp sessions: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. There are five bootcamps per session and I can take a total of two; one per session.

I’m attending these two bootcamps…

HTML5/CSS3 with Stephanie (Sullivan) Rewis of W3Conversions – I don’t know much about Rewis but she’s at a Microsoft conference running a very intense class about a very hot topic in the web dev world. So let’s assume she’s good. Plus, how can I have this blog and not go to this?!?!?!

jQuery with Joe Marini of Microsoft – If you’re a web developer, this guy needs no introduction. While he’s a jack-of-all-trades in terms of web development, Marini is tied with Dori Smith for the #1 JavaScript Guru title. So a jQuery coding session run by this guy is a really good thing!

And yes, I’ll slip in a few hands of blackjack.

Anyone else going?

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