kaidez courses on lynda.com

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I’ve been recording JavaScript-based courses for lynda.com. My second of two courses was uploaded to their site the day before this post’s publish date.
My first course was “Up and Running with Backbone.js” while my second one was “Up and Running with Ember.js”…JavaScript MVC all around. As they’re “Up and Running” courses, they’re geared towards the intermediate JavaScript developer (although ANYONE with a lynda.com account can view them.)
Recording courses for lynda.com was an incredible experience and I hope to record more in the future. I’ve been a big fan of lynda.com ever since my employer, Revlon, paid for subscriptions for both myself and another staff web designer…so much so, that I paid for my own subscription out of my own pocket when my Revlon one wasn’t renewed.
I’m deeply indebted to Lynda author James Williamson for recommending me to be an author as well as content producer Shira Gotshalk, who reviewed my demo and gave me a chance. James gave me a lot of great advice on putting courses together, as did authors Ray Villalobos and Morten Rand-Hendriksen so I thank those two as well.
I also throw great thanks to both Scott Simpson and Dan Weston, the respective producers of my Backbone and Ember courses. I may have prepared the course content but Scott and Dan provided invaluable advice on creating as best of a course as I could.
Check out the courses and hit me up on Twitter if you have any questions.